woke up with a killer migraine so I ate a banana at like 2am. don't think I'm eating enough soup... didn't feel that great today but am better now, just tired. you know how you have those days where you don't feel like doing anything? that was me today. its pretty impossible to have those days with a kid, but at least Keith was around to occupy Vaughn while I took a nap this afternoon. and thank goodness Vaughn is such a good kid... he is seriously amazing. I love my boy so much. he is giving kisses now which is so cute! sigh...
so, I ate a banana for breakfast. a big bowl of soup for lunch. an apple after my nap. got a cup of coffee at Starbucks during my walk with Vaughn and then had another big bowl of soup for dinner. I'm pretty tired of the soup, but it is really good. it gets better everyday as it marinates in the broth... Keith loves it too, although he gets to put cheese in it. :)