Tuesday, October 28, 2008

day 6...

didn't end up making more soup... I snacked on chicken pieces all day and drank an iced coffee after my workout. didn't really feel hungry. probably not good, but there was no time to chop up veggies and make soup this afternoon. then night rolls around and I am tired and not wanting to do anything... so I had a can of chicken noodle soup again. next time I do this, which I plan to do the week before Hawaii, Keith will be gone so I probably won't run out of soup half way through. that was my demise. the thought of making more and eating it... I just couldn't make myself do it! so, I failed. sorry readers... but I do feel like I got myself back into the habit of eating good things and smaller portions again. so, if nothing else, I reprogrammed my mindset into what it was before I got pregnant! that was basically my goal... so, ah ha! I didn't fail! :)

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