Friday, October 24, 2008

day 2

it was a gorgeous day today! felt like summer... I love Santa Cruz in the fall. we went to the Cold Water Classic today and walked all around and saw some great surf. it was awesome. Vaughn loves watching the waves crashing and checking out all the people. he is such a social baby. so happy!
had coffee and cantaloupe for breakfast. today was hard because we were out and about and it would've been so easy to eat out. but Keith is supportive so we came home and had soup for lunch... was starving by then! snacked on a few carrots. had a peach later on. then for dinner had a baked potato with a little butter, and sauteed broccoli and onions. just now finished an apple. the scale is down only one pound, but I'm sure to see more tomorrow.


1 comment:

Phelan Pham said...

The good thing is you don't ever have to go hungry... you can eat as much soup as you want. But, the bad the is.... you can eat as much SOUP as you want. It gets old. Keep up the hard work. I've kept off a solid 6 pounds since my soup days! :) It's a good jump start if nothing else! But, you are supposed to lose 10 to 15 pounds. I think I just didn't shock my body as much as a carnivore would have. Hee hee. Plus, all i drink is 50 gallons of water daily anyway... seriously. So, I hope this works for you!